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    Clip Description

    Starring: Lexxi and Tessa w/ Chris B. as the masked Sentry

    Two sexy spies are looking through a known counter spy cell house. They move through the house, stealth and quiet in their tight black body suits. They clear the rooms until they get to the office, where they dig through papers and files looking for the information. They hear a noise and decide to move deeper into the house. They tip toe to the main room, the masked Sentry dips from the corner and hides behind the wall. The two spies move into the room scanning each inch of their horizons as the Sentry peeks from the other room waiting for his moment. He knows they will split soon to clear the lower level and he will make his move. He is an old guard and knows all the tricks of his trade. He enjoys his job and takes it seriously too, so when the point spy heads towards the end of the corridor, and down to the basement, he moves in on the underling guard. She is fairly new and is a bit awkward in her stance, this will be fun. He moves quickly behind her knocking her gun down and grabbing her from behind in a choke hold, he pulls her off of the ground as she kicks and claws him to try and free herself. He slowly takes her to the floor so she is resting on him, and he has her in a choke hold, with his other arm bracing for tightness. He bears down on her and she kicks her legs and bucks against him. he feels he flex and slam against him. He toys with her for a bit before he inhales and with a grunt breaks her neck clean in one move, one professional jolt that broke the bones in her neck and her spine, making her instantly limp and dead. He looks down and listens for the other spy, who is probably done clearing the lower level and heading back. He flops the young Spy around the floor, then moves behind the counter to hide as the point spy says, "all clear". When she sees her partner laying on the ground she double times it to her location calling out and then kneeling down to check her pulse, "Tessa, Tessa, urggg...and before you know it the Sentry is behind her and has her in the air in a choke hold. This spy has been around the block and is highly trained but her slip made it where that doesn't matter in the end, only matters that she is harder to kill and takes more energy. The Sentry enjoys it and keeps her up for a bit before he takes her to the floor. He wrestles her neck hard, then after some struggle, he wants to finish her so He does a quick break, trying to snap her neck with less force, and to watch her suffer a bit, he tries to break her neck a few times, finally succeeding with a frustrated ummph! She goes immediately limp and dead, her eyes wide open in awe. He catches his breath quickly and then rolls her off of him, and checks her out. He pats her down, rolls her over like a rag doll very rough, then rolls her back to check it out. He pats her front and even though he knows she didn't get the information, it is still a perk of the duty to feel them up, especially the spies this faction sends, wow! They look so sexy neck to toe in black, packing service weapons, now dead and mangled on the floor. He flops the point spy a bit, then picks her up in a carry position setting her down on the couch, then moves to the rookie. He flops the rookie around on the floor patting her down and "looking for the info she did not take", he flops her like a rag doll, then picks her up in a carry position and sets her on the sofa next to her partner, who should have followed protocol, especially in this house. He checks out the tits under their black tight turtlenecks, then grabs their weapons to add to his collection. He exits and leaves way for body views and pans of the sexy spies that are clad in black, eyes wide open, dead and beautiful!

    Wow, how hot are these two in their outfits. Thanks Amazon Shark of hooking us up with the clothing for this and the FWG. Thanks! CB

    Run Time: 11:00 minutes
    File Size: 235 MB Format: .MP4

    Clip Duration:      11 minutes
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Starring: Lexxi as "Dona G." w/ Chris B. as "Ojos"

Grace X and her good friend slash lover Eyes are hanging out together at Eyes' house having a cocktail, plotting their next adventure, aka making plans to extort some money by blackmailing tons of people, in high places. Grace has a sexy top, short skirt, and sexy satin panties, barefoot with her favorite, signature, wayfarer sunglasses on. Even though they are best of friends, they still enjoy double crossing the other, just for kicks. Eyes has the scheme set and on his computer, ready to launch. As the two friends with benefits sit on the sofa and drink, they talk about what to do with the spoils and how to do it all over again after the money is gone. After a little chat, it's time to fool around. They use their pet names for each other as they smooch and flirt in the living room. Eyes is quite the ass lover and Grace has a fine one, so he asks to check it out and she obliges after straddling him, she turns around and as he is mesmerized by her sexy hiney, she is dripping a date rape drug from a syringe into his rye and branch on the rocks. She hides the evidence and quickly goes back to seducing him, which he needs not much of, he is ready to go. After a little smooching they finish their drinks, Eyes sucks his down knowing it will add a punch in the bedroom. The two decide to make their way to the bedroom for some fun and lovin'...Fade out...

A little time has past and we cut back to the bedroom where Eyes is passed out and Grace is laying next to him with only her sexy panties on. She pushes him to see if he wakes, checking to see if he is breathing. He is obviously out cold and her drug worked. She creeps out of the bedroom and into his office. She knows where he keeps his flash drive and the blackmail info so she can wipe his computer drives, leaving him with nothing and taking all the money for herself. She starts the process and thinks she is home free. Just as she is about to take her info and go, Eyes sneaks up behind her with a silk stocking and quickly wraps it around her neck, crossing it in the back and pulling hard. Grace is such a fighter she arches her body back and her eyes go wide, tongue sticking way out. She grabs at the stocking but can't get under it, she kicks and bucks her sexy hips and ass off of the chair and back down again. Her muscles tense, her sexy painted toes curl and spread, her tits jiggle and wiggle as she tries to free herself. Eyes lets her know she should have remembered knock out drugs don't work on her and he is immune to her evil ways, as much as he loves them. He finishes her off nice and hard, pulling her back up and widening his stance to finish off the sexy Grace X. As she slowly twitches and then goes completely still, her beautiful eyes and wide open mouth are still. He lifts her up and carries her to the awkward desk. Mashing her head against the window and doing her dead, warm, body from behind. He loves the tush so he slaps it and admires while Grace's eyes stay wide and emotionless. After a bit from the back he lifts her dead body and sits her on his lap in the chair so he can finish with his second favorite sex position. He whips her around like a rag doll finishing hard as she jiggles around in his lap. He loves the ass and is all up in it! After he is finished he picks her up and cradle carries her to the awkward desk and drapes her over the corner. He stares at her for a bit telling her he will miss her bad ways, and how much he loves her eyes, then he puts her signature wayfarer sunglasses back on to her eyes telling her, "You have such beautiful eyes Dona G., but remember, I am always watching." and exits.

Her sexy stretched out frame is panned and viewed with and without the glasses so you can see her eyes, and her signature glasses! It is so nice to have our Lexxi back! She is so good at what she does and one of the sexiest females I have ever met in my life. She really has it going on and is one of the smartest people that I know. Looking forward to working more in the coming moths and years again! :-) CB

Run Time: 19:20 minutes
File Size: 331 MB 	Format: .WMV

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